Noise / Structure
2024 — Generative interactive installation, 2160 x 3840px, dim. 230 x 135 x 35cm
Mini-LED display with black frame, custom software, web interface
Mini-LED display with black frame, custom software, web interface
Noise / Structure visualizes the process of analyzing and formatting arbitrary information into structured, machine-readable data as performed by an artificial neural network. Over one million individual color particles (data points) float through a conceptual semantic space and dynamically coalesce into temporary formations before dissolving into an unorganized state (noise) again. Visitors can interact with the installation through an interface and influence the behavior of the generative system, which makes the visual representation a unique expression of that moment. Over time, the installation autonomously changes its appearance with shifting color spectrums, varying particle velocities and superimposed grid deformations.
Noise / Structure is a commissioned work and since 2024 part of the permanent collection of the Union Investment Stiftung.
Noise / Structure is a commissioned work and since 2024 part of the permanent collection of the Union Investment Stiftung.
Studio view, Offenbach / Germany (Photos by Julia Marie Werner, Video by Tobi & Tron)